
A Poem (‘Flurry’) and a watercolour ‘illustration’ actually done as a project for one of the evening classes that I teach.






Immediately below are pages from a sort of ‘film noir’ short story. I ‘roughed’ the whole lot out as a little script with a view to reinterpreting parts in images and text – graphic novel style – as as an exercise. So it wasn’t ever intended to be (and won’t ever be) finished! This was a while back, before I started really getting to grips with computer graphics – now I’d use photos too for this sort of thing, I think. But the staging is the easy bit, it’s how to represent the players on it that’s the real challenge! (Click on the images for larger versions that you can actually READ if you’d like – click on each twice, in fact.)

graphic novelgraphic novel 2







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graphic novel 7











Under Milk Wood – Graphic Art

On a totally different tack, I did some little takes using some ‘found’ pictures of Dylan Thomas (that I ‘hand’-tinted) and backgrounds that I’d shot over on Anglesey. (You need to be able to read the last line to geddit – click on twice for bigger.)


Here’s a different take, Dylan Thomas again, ‘hand’-tinted again, again combined with scenes of Anglesey but this time with lines from Under Milk Wood…

dylan thomas under milk wood