art classes

I run several different art classes that are open to the public. These are all in Nantwich in Cheshire, UK. In addition there has for the last 5/6 years been a Summer School, which is a one-off 4-week course. (Please check with the Community education admin for the evening classes – phone numbers below. The Parish Rooms classes are not currently running. If you want to contact me regarding any of this, please use the email address on the header image.)

  • There are blocks of art sessions (usually 5 at a time) that I run independently from the Parish Rooms in Nantwich, CW5 5RQ. These are informal sessions in which there is usually a 10-minute presentation and then we have a go at a practical – usually set to a theme chosen by the group. These are as much social gatherings where, in addition to making art we do have a chat about a diverse range of subjects! These are suitable for all levels. (Tuition/guidance on hand if needed.) They take place on xxxxxxx. Parking on the Bowling Green car park and then a short walk through behind the church (St Mary’s).
  • Tuesday evenings 7-9pm at Brine Leas School, Nantwich I run watercolour art classes as a part of their adult education program. These are highly-structured, stepped projects. But again they are suitable for all levels. (People are welcome to come along and ignore the steps and have a go in any way they wish! The steps are there for guidance should people feel they need them.) Projects usually go over one week (occasionally 2) and make use of inexpensive materials. For more information, contact: Email:
    Telephone: 01270 625663
    Mobile: 07816 681691
  • I run a course called ‘Figures & Faces’ at Brine Leas School again as a part of their adult education program. This takes an in-depth look at the human figure in 2-D art through set projects. Included is some anatomy from a layman’s point of view, and we also look at portraiture, likenesses, drawing of separate parts of the body – such as hands, then extreme figures (such as sporting personalities, dancers, boxers so forth) as well as figures in motion and groups of figures. There is also a clothed figure drawing component each half term. The projects make use of various art media. For more information, contact: Email:
    Telephone: 01270 625663
    Mobile: 07816 681691
  • (When running) there is a more general art course ‘Drawing Techniques’ in which we have a go at practical projects in a variety of media using various techniques. There is some painting (in watercolour and acrylics) as well as drawing with coloured pencil, hard pastel, charcoal, pencil and ink, as well as collage and monoprinting. This is an excellent course for building a portfolio of work – towards entrance to an F.E. course, for instance. For more information, contact: Email:
    Telephone: 01270 625663
    Mobile: 07816 681691

art classes and course in Nantwich Cheshire