
Warhol Interview oil painting on canvas

‘Warhol Interview #2’ oil on canvas 2012 1.2mx1.2m


Nureyev The Man Who Flew to Music

‘The Man Who Flew to Music – Nureyev #1’ (private collection)
painted acrylic paint on canvas with metal leaf 2013 30x80cm

Warhol Interview oil on canvas

‘The Man Who Flew to Music – Nureyev #2 (private collection)
painted acrylic paint on canvas with metal leaf 2013 30x80cm

Nureyev acrylic paint on canvas with metal leaf

(left to right) ‘Pierrot Lunaire’
in pink, green & yellow (respectively)
painted acrylic paint on canvas with metal leaf 2013 (each 40x30cm)


(Below) ‘Metamorphosis Suite’
oil on canvas 2012 (each 60x50cm) (click on for sequence large)


metaphorphosis oil on canvas

click onmetamorphosis oil on canvasmetamorphosis oil painting on canvasmetamorphosis oil painting on canvasmetamorphosis oil painting on canvasmetamorphosis oil painting on canvas


‘Nature Just Got Bigger, Is All – drosophila and GM corn.’
oil on canvas 
2012 1mx1m


‘Deluge’ (private collection)
oil on canvas

icarus painting









‘myth: the last book on Earth’
acrylic on canvas June 2016

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